Episode 10


Published on: 25th January, 2016

Chilean miners, Glee, coalition, Haiti disaster...


– David Tennant leaves Doctor Who

– Usher – OMG

– BP oil spill

– Glee

– Glee Cast – Don’t Stop Believin’

– Journey – Don’t Stop Believin’

– Snow in Britain

– Helping Haiti – Everybody Hurts

– Haiti earthquake

– Chile earthquake

– China earthquake

– Pakistan floods

– Iceland volcano halts flights

– Ellie Goulding – Starry Eyed

– Sherlock

– Alexander McQueen dies

– Adele – Rolling in the Deep

– Gordon Brown’s bigot gaffe

– Lady Gaga & Beyonce – Telephone

– John Terry’s affair and captaincy axe

– Yolanda Be Cool & DCUP – We No Speak Americano

– Isner v Mahut at Wimbledon

– AP McCoy wins Grand National and Sports Personality

– Chelsea win the Double

– Vuvuzelas

– Rihanna – Only Girl in the World

– England thrashed by Germany at the World Cup

– Spain win World Cup

– Qatar wins World Cup 2022 bid

– Despicable Me

– Wikileaks Afghanistan war logs

– Eminem & Rihanna – Love the Way You Lie

– General Election: TV debates, Tories win, Brown resigns, Tory/Lib Dems coalition

– Plan B – She Said

– Ed Miliband beats David in Labour leader election

– Justin Bieber – Baby

– Polish President Lech Kaczynski killed in plane crash

– Old Spice advert

– Owl City – Fireflies

– 6 Music saved

– Take That reunite with Robbie Williams

– Take That – The Flood

– Greece bailout

– Downton Abbey

– Steve Jobs launches Apple’s iPad

– Tinie Tempah – Pass Out

– US/Russia arms treaty

– Chris Evans first Radio 2 breakfast show

– Inception

– Cumbria massacre

– BoB & Hayley Williams – Airplanes

– Raoul Moat manhunt

– Facebook reaches half a billion users

– The Social Network

– Prince William and Kate Middleton engagement

– Bruno Mars – Just the Way You Are

The Great British Bake Off

– One Direction formed on X Factor

– Matt Cardle – When We Collide

– Tony Blair faces Chilcot inquiry

– Cee Lo Green – Forget You

– Chilean miners freed

– Katy Perry – Firework

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About the Podcast

The Sounds of the 21st Century
An audio time machine from 2001 onwards.
An unofficial continuation of BBC Radio 2's Sounds of the 21st Century.

If you’ve found this podcast, then chances are, like me, you were a massive fan of BBC Radio 2’s Sounds of the 20th Century.

Created by Trevor Dann’s Company, the original series ran from 2011 and 2012. Each episode was an hour of one particular year’s biggest moments (news, TV shows, films, sports etc), alongside that year’s memorable hit songs. It was similar to the Rock and Roll Years TV shows from the ’90s, which broadcasting legend Trevor Dann was also behind.

What was particularly awesome about it, was that it didn’t feature any ‘talking heads’, analysis or hindsight. They were simply audio collages of each year, allowing you to work out what was being played, and to make connections to what happened in the following years.

With the series ending after the year 2000, I was left bereft and wanted more. As someone who is obsessed with nostalgia, charts and pop culture, and because the 2000s were my formative years, I decided to give making an unofficial continuation a go myself.

So this series is an ongoing project that will continue the original series from 2001 onwards, with attempts made to keep it in the original style as much as possible (including the theme tune, run-length etc).

Each episode aims to be a 60-minute snapshot of the world (largely from British eyes!), as it was back then. Archive news clips have been taken from various sources (such as BBC News, Sky News, Channel 4, ITV, The Guardian, CNN and other news networks). However, as I only have access to what is available online, some clips, particularly from the early years of the internet, may sound a bit tinny in quality, as they were ripped from incredibly old files (such as old .ram files – remember them?), that no longer exist since I made the first few episodes back in 2012.

NOTE: If you’ve previously downloaded the series – I have since made revisions to the episodes in 2022. Please re-download to get updated versions with improved intros and other new clips.

The series is in no way endorsed by Trevor Dann or the BBC, but was meant as a bit of fun, as a homage to the brilliant series, and to give fans something new. Trevor himself has been kind enough to acknowledge the series, as long as I call it ‘Bootleg Sounds of the 21st Century’.

In 2021, the original series returned as Sounds of the 21st Century. It was in a slightly different style, with Claudia Winkleman replacing original host Jeremy Vine.

I greatly encourage everyone to listen to the original series if you can track it down. The 2021 series can be found here.

Please do get in touch in the comments sections if you’d like to say hello or give feedback – or follow me on Twitter (@eamezey).

About your host

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Tom Eames